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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter System : Playstation Date Added : 2005-04-06 20:58:14 Views : 23573 Three Cyber-Akumas: Successfully complete the game once without losing a round. Highlight Akuma and press Select(5), Triangle. Then, get to Cyber-Akuma and defeat him. A third Cyber-Akuma will drop from the sky (as your partner). Fight as Cyber Akuma: Successfully complete a normal game on arcade mode. (Note: This may need to be done without losing any rounds at a higher difficulty setting) Then, highlight Akuma on the character selection screen and press Select(5), X. Note: Cyber Akuma can only be used by himself. Cyber Akuma's moves are: Go Hadoken: QCF + any Punch Zanku Hadoken: (in the air) QCF + any Punch (releases 2 fire balls) Go Shoryuken: Forward, Down, Forward/Down + any Punch Tatsumaki Zanku Kyaku: QCB + any Kick (can be done in the air) Ashura Senku: Forward, Down, Forward/Down or Back, Down, Back/Down + 3K Zugai Hasatsu: Forward + MP Senpu Hyaku: Forward + MK Hard Knuckle: HP(standing or crouching) High Mega Gou Beam: QCB + 2P Scramble Gou Punch: QCF + 2P Thunder Gou Shower: QCF + 2P while in the air Shining Gou Shock: LP, LP, Forward + MK, HP (with Level 3 hyper gauge) Continue attacking: Press Start immediately after winning the match to continue hitting the defeated character. Fight as U.S. Agent: Highlight Vega (M. Bison) at the character selection screen, then hold Select and press any Punch or Kick. U.S. Agent's uniform will be gray for Punch or green for Kick. Cheat menu: Quickly press R1, Circle, Left, Triangle(2) at the main menu. Note: Quickly press L1, X, Left, Square(2) at the main menu in the Japanese version of the game. Extra jumps for Norimaro: Select Norimaro, then press WK + MP + HK at the versus screen until the round begins. Norimaro will now be able to jump four times in the air. Fight as Grey Hulk: Enable the "Fight as Mega Sakura" code and pick Hulk as her partner. This color code should be universal for all characters. Fight as Apocalypse: Successfully complete a normal game on arcade mode. (Note: This may need to be done without losing any rounds at a higher difficulty setting) Then, highlight Akuma on the character selection screen and press Select(6), X. Note: In the Japanese version of the game, highlight Norimaro on the character selection screen and press Triangle, X, L1, R2. Then, hold Circle until the match begins. Note: If Apocalypse is selected at stage 7, you will fight two secret characters. Fight as Mega Sakura: Highlight Hulk at the character selection screen, then hold Select and press any Punch or Kick button. Exploding Dan: Hold WP after selecting Dan as your first character. Release the button after the word "Fight" disappears. Fight as Mega Zangief: Highlight Blackheart at the character selection screen, then hold Select and press any Punch or Kick button. Apocalypse's moves are: Smash Down Shockwave: Forward, Down/Forward, Forward + any Punch. Mace Fist: Forward, Down, Down/Forward + any Punch. Satellite Reflect Beam: (No buttons, random) Scatter Shot: QCF or QCB + MK Tracking Shot: (same as above) The Drill: QCF + HP Eye Laser: QCF + HK Fight as Shadow Charlie: Highlight Dhalsim at the character selection screen, then hold Select and press any Punch or Kick button. Fight your partner: To fight your partner you must defeat Cyber-Akuma. After you defeat Cyber Akuma, your partner should drop down from the sky. Once you and your partner are in your winning stances press Select. You should now be able to move around and hit your partner . After hitting your partnerm he or she will begin to attack you. You and your partner can fight until the ending sequence and the credits appear. Fight as Mephisto: Highlight Omega Red at the character selection screen, then hold Select and press any Punch or Kick button. Fight as Armored Spider-Man: Highlight Spider-Man at the character selection screen, then hold Select and press any Punch or Kick button. Bonus options: Successfully complete the game without losing any rounds. Additional selections will appear on the options menu, including increasing the speed to eight stars and always having full combo meters. Faster game speed: Select any character, then hold WK + MK + HK until the word "Fight" disappears. Change order of characters on versus mode screen: Press WP + MP + HP. t Alternate costumes: Press L1, L2, R1 or R2 when selecting a character. Highlight Cyclops, then press L2 for Cyclops's movie costume. Fight as same character: Successfully complete the game once. The same character may now be chosen by both players on the character selection screen. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter cheat codes.
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